Friday Quotes #9 – Dahlia Adler

dahlia is an overachiever

Any writer – any person – can tell you that sometimes you get so busy in life that you are FORCED to place things on the figurative “back burner.” It’s common. It happens to the best of us. The thing that gets me through it sometimes is that cool kids like Beyonce and Sergei Polunin probablyyyyy have to back burner the hell out of things sometimes too.

But what happens when you’re not just letting things slide because you’re busy? What happens when your energy is zapped and it’s a miracle you’ve made it through the day without crying or sleeping for 10 hours?
Dahlia wrote a great post explaining how It’s Not Just You and because Dahlia is an overachiever, she tweeted it too and LOOKIT THAT, THE THING IS GOIN’ VIRAL.
But the point is, people are responding to that because it’s TRUE.
In case you’ve noticed, Trench Coats & Quotes has been curiously absent on all fronts. It hasn’t been intentional. It’s just because we’ve both kind of hit our max for the time being. For me, I’ll tell you exactly what my problem is – I’m not only stretched too thin, but I’m dealing with a lot of anxiety right now. And it’s seriously draining. I’m juggling a 70-hour work week with teaching dance and writing, and applying forĀ ESL jobs and lesson planning for those applications and socializing and dating and that’s not even factoring in all the little stuff that happens during my week, like paying bills and fitting in my monthly Brazilian. (What do you MEAN, “TMI”???!)
That’s all I’ll say on it. But I just want you to know that sometimes you’ll get where I am and you’ll backburner your S.O. and your Twitter friends and your hygiene and your writing. You’ll backburner your entire life. And that’s okay for a little while.
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