Friday Quotes #4 – E.M. Forster (…Except it’s Tuesday)

“I am an unspeakable of the Oscar Wilde sort.”  ― E.M. Forster, Maurice

“I am an unspeakable of the Oscar Wilde sort.”
― E.M. Forster, Maurice

I know I’m late on this! I know! I’ll spare you my excuses. But it’s kind of okay because in the meantime, I stumbled upon this quote by E.M. Forster, who’s one of my favorites. It mentions Oscar Wilde who is basically in my top 3, too. Anyway, there was this totally fantastic and amazing post by @LeahRaeder which you can read HERE. That post made me feel so many ways. It kind of hurt, strangely? If that makes sense. As a Queer myself, I didn’t know how to feel about it. I still don’t. I don’t know how I feel about ME and isn’t that strange? It’s not a bad feeling—I’ve ruled that one out. But it’s just that there’s a lot of questioning going on. The point of this quote is that it’s cavalier about the issue. And I’ve decided that’s how I want to be. Cavalier.

YES, I’m Queer. And excuse my French (because I try not to swear on this blog) but—so fucking what.

xo, from this girl under the trench coat.

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